🚀 Performance
you are looking for

Performance drives the development of Manticore Search. We are dedicated to achieving low response times, which are crucial for analyzing large datasets. Throughput is also a key consideration, allowing Manticore to handle a high number of queries per second.

Ease of use is our priority

We don’t want Manticore users, whether they be developers or devops, to become experts in databases or search engines, or to have a PhD in order to use Manticore products. We assume that you have other things to do, rather than spending hours trying to understand how this or that setting affects this or that functionality. Hence, Manticore Search should work fine in most cases, even with the default settings.

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True open source

We love open source. Manticore Search and other publicly available Manticore products are all free to use and published under OSI-approved open source licences.

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Don’t just take our word for it, hear what our lovely users have to say:


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